Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The ghosts are haunting...

The monsters will mash.
It's time for our annual Halloween Bash!

My first year of living in Luverne, everyone failed to tell me that I had moved onto "Trick Or Treat Street". I was so very unprepared. I grew up in the country...we had no trick or treaters...ever. So I had no candy that year. I had no idea what to expect. And when the Halloween traffic began, I had no way of getting my car out of my parking place...I do not exaggerate. It was just that busy. Heather and Stae came to get me so I wouldn't have to turn my lights off and pretend not to be home.

The year that followed, I began inviting the teachers and their families and some friends over for chili on Halloween. It became a sort of tradition. And this year is the first time in 5 years that I don't reside on "Trick or Treat Street". It's sort of sad. So we're changing tradition...and moving Halloween to Elba. We are so excited!

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