I WILL blog more than once a month. I WILL blog more than once a month...I'm blogging and EK is...I'm not sure. Probably swishing her hand, toothbrush, arm, etc. in the toilet. It seems to be her favorite past time. Which means: FLUSH. ALWAYS. She is so much fun these days. I love it. And it's exhausting. B picked up softball this year and this is the one month that it overlaps basketball. This means we're both on the run. I come home, pick her up, take her back to school, only to hand her over so he can bring her home after softball while I camp out at the basketball game for a while. Good thing she's social. Or maybe that's WHY she's social. I'm not sure.
We made our first sick visit to the doctor on Monday. I say 1 in 14 months ain't bad. She seems to finally be better today. We're thankful. She's been talking up a storm. We understand some. She seems to think we should understand all. It makes us laugh. My favorite is please which sounds more like 'peas'.
I'm planning to attemp my next 5K at the end of February. I'm just hoping the path is well marked. If not, it's only in Troy. I lived there a couple of years so if I do get lost again, at least I can find my way back without any trouble.
I'm making an attempt at some mexican food for dinner tonight and no, I'm not going to make a Monterey's run. It's homeade chicken nachos for us tonight. I'm looking forward to it. Chicken nachos, my Kindle with The Help downloaded (really enjoying that: the Kindle and The Help), and maybe a fire. Ahhh...yes. I enjoy busy, but I do love time at home.
Happy Wednesday!
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