Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Coke Zero and Nutella Kind of Day

Ahhhh. Saturday, you've arrived. Don't we all love a break? I feel like we've been running in a hundred different directions lately. I don't typically "freak out" about things. But stress tends to sneak up on me. Like this week...I've had that headache/neckache that really is just tension from trying to keep everything straight this past week. I'm not sure when it came on, I just know it's not comfortable. Maybe I need a massage. Or Spring Break.

Today has been nice. I ran before daylight because B had a softball game and left home just after 6. I knew if there was to be ANY Hope time today, it had to be before he left. I even got a quiet 30 minutes on Pinterest with a Coke Zero in hand before the princess woke up. We played outside and worked a little in the flowerbeds. Then we headed to Andalusia in search of fabric (no such luck), but I did get my rings cleaned and we stopped off by Gantt to see Gigi and Papa and have a quick lunch. We've since made stops at a baby shower and a birthday party where EK had a slight meltdown because Barney was present. She will outgrow this, right?

We are finally home. Ella Kate is down for the count. B is still coaching a softball game. I have another Coke Zero AND some animal crackers and Nutella (BEST SNACK EVER). Life is good and that tension in my neck might be easing off. Hope you've enjoyed this perfect weather kind of day. Happy Weekend.

1 comment:

  1. You guys seem to be very happy. That is the real essence of bonding.
