Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Little Lesson

In honor of all the testing that will take place next week, let's do a little lesson on Plot. Plot is: the events in a story/selection (usually in order). To keep things simple we'll do a BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END.
END! We are loving spring break! EK had her 4 month checkup yesterday. She was in the 90th percentile on length/height and 50th on weight. She's currently weighing in at 13 lbs. We started baby food yesterday and if she's not loving it, who cares! We think it's hilarious. She does love it so far. I started her on carrots because I've always secretly wanted a baby with an orange nose. They're so cute!

We're looking forward to enjoying the rest of our week. Hope yours is excellent.

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I love the "end" picture. I love to see a baby smile. It totally looks like she is enjoying her carrots.

    I was a big fan of carrots as a baby too. My mom can tell you about the yellow/orange nose.

    Glad ya'll had a good spring break with Ella Kate. I've had the best day today I've had a in a while. I even ventured to the mall and went ahead and got some more forgiving jeans at Motherhood Maternity. I may even get some things accomplished around the house today :)
