Sunday, November 13, 2011

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Yes, I'm a blog slacker. Football's been over for well over a week and I still haven't blogged. I've been tossing some blog ideas around in my head this week and I think I'll just combine them this morning. I've been reading all of my fellow facebookers' Thankful Posts. They make me think.

On a peaceful ride to Dothan Friday morning, I broke out an old Point of Grace cd and thought of all I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for a God who loves me enough to want His best for me and not MY best for me. I'm thankful that HE has much bigger plans for our lives than we can ever come up with on our own, although at times, I wondered what He was thinking. I'm thankful for a husband who is more than I could have ever asked for in a man. I'm thankful for a baby girl who makes my heart smile many times each day. I'm thankful for family that we're close distance and in heart. I'm thankful for jobs at a school that we LOVE and for students, faculty, and administrators that we're happy to spend our days with. I'm thankful for a home that we enjoy and friends that we can pick up with even though the time we spend together is limited. I AM THANKFUL. I AM BLESSED. Life has far exceeded my expectations. Thank you, God. Life's not perfect. But it IS Good. And it's far more than I deserve.

Now for the day to day...we celebrated Ella Kate's first birthday last Saturday. It was great. We snuggled and played that morning and celebrated with family and a few friends that afternoon. She thoroughly enjoyed it. We were thoroughly exhausted. It was a good week at school. B and I get to ride together again except for basketball days. We're hoping to be amazed at what we save on gas. EK is no longer sleeping through the night and I may lose my mind if we don't correct this soon. She seems to be cutting 3 teeth at one time AND got 5 shots on Thursday. She's run fever on and off since then. Last night we were up for several hours. It was like having a newborn again. There was no relief. She's running fever again this morning. So we're having a quiet morning at home. She's still looking stinkin' cute in her ballerina pj's though. Happy Sunday. Hope you all have a great week.

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