Saturday, October 29, 2011

Loving this time of year!

If I had a sunroof, it would be open today. It is marvelous outside. We're hanging out at home today, getting some things done, but resting as well. Just what I needed.

On Tuesday I scored the deal of the century. EK and I set out for Opp after school to meet my mom and check out a dresser she found at a flea market. We walked in the door and there it was. My new dining room table. I wasn't looking for a dining room table. I have one already. But when we have people over, we don't all fit at the table. This table was larger and had more chairs. I needed it. So being the submissive wife that I am, I texted my sweet husband and told him to make room at home. No, really I asked his opinion/permission. My dad went back the next morning and picked it up. No, you can't have my other table. You see, one day I'm building a house with a breakfast nook and that table's going there. But I was super excited to find such a good deal.

EK hasn't been sleeping well which means mommy and daddy aren't sleeping well. With keeping such a busy schedule, it makes for a rough week. I have a first birthday party to finish preparing for this week, Pumpkins on the Square on Monday, fall festival on Thursday, football on Friday, and THE BIG DAY on Saturday. I'll keep you posted on how it all goes.

I completed my 5K this morning. I wasn't fast. But I didn't stop. However, I do have a funny for you. I wasn't going to share. To be honest, I'm embarrassed slightly. But B thinks this is hilarious and definitely blogworthy...SO. I've been to Brundidge, AL before, but only a few times, definitely not enough to know my way around. But I wasn't concerned because they had these neon green signs pointing the way on the race route. I would like to point out that they were only the size of a sheet of paper. Do you see where this is heading? Well because I am fairly slow, I started off in the back and did NOT attempt to keep up. My goal was only to complete the race. It was all good until we reached the center of downtown where the festival was set up. There was traffic. And a sign placed on a board on the sidewalk instead of the light poles like the rest. There was also a car at the intersection...blocking my view of the neon paper with the arrow pointing right. So I continued on. After running a short way, I realized this was NOT correct. But what to do????? I finally backtracked and found the sign and corrected my path. I finished the whole 3.1 miles and then some. I ran without stopping. I reached my goal. I even threw in a little humor for good measure. So if you spotted a runner in downtown Brundidge this morning running the opposite direction than the other runners, that would be me.

Happy Weekend!

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