Where to start...where to start? We're still here. Just a little scattered. I survived Homecoming AGAIN. AND I think I was better at it this year. Experience is a good thing. Our yard was rolled. I guess they know where we live now. We don't care...but you better believe I'm going to be buying a good Halloween mask when they go on sale. If you're going to make a mess in my yard, I'm going to enjoy trying to scare the pants off you while you try :) It was a great homecoming at ZC. The weather was perfect. Everything ran smoothly. And we won. AGAIN. 5-1. I'm wondering when was the last time that happened in Jack. It's exciting times at ZC. We're so proud of our boys and EK and I are super excited for Daddy. You see, we think he's pretty great. We're blessed to be a part of the school and community and we're thankful to be there.
Moving along...EK will be 11 months old tomorrow. She is walking and jabbering up a storm. We have no clue what she says most of the time, but the girl means business. She causes lots of smiles and laughter at our house. This time last year I mentioned that I would run a 5K eventually. Well I "ain't done it yet" but I'm still chugging along a few mornings a week and I love it. It's become my "me time". I still can't believe it's almost been a year. I get asked often when we'll go for #2...ha. I still remember pregnancy #1. And I don't forsee those memories fading anytime soon.
I'm loving this time of year. The weather is GREAT. Our house is decorated. It smells like pumpkins and spice...and coffee. Yay for fall. It's the best. BUT the BEST part is coming next week. We refer to it at our house as Fall Break. And, oh, it saves my sanity.
Here's to you for not giving up on my blog. Here's to another ZC win on Friday. And here's to this marvelous time of year. Hope your week is extra, extra good.
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