Monday, November 28, 2011

Sometimes I wonder...

Where does the time go??? This has very possibly been the fastest year of my life. EK turned 1. Thanksgiving drifted by. Our house looks like Christmas already. And I feel like just last week we were getting ready for the first day of school. Do children do that to you? Either way, it's a blast. I just have to make extra effort to soak it all in. I can't even remember at the moment if I've blogged about EK's birthday. I think so?

Thanksgiving was nice. My families only get together a few times a year, but it's a blast when we do. It was fun to see each other. I hugged Rebecca when we were leaving (that's right got a shout out on the blog) and said "see you next Thanksgiving". We all laughed. But I was serious. Getting to visit is a rare thing. We have to take advantage when we can. We left there and headed over to B's grandmother's. She lives in Jack, but we rarely get to see her. She reminds us of that often ; ) EK was in fine form. She kept everyone entertained and on their toes. Friday, we had lunch with my dad's family. We see them 3 times a year and it's always a good time. It was an above average Thanksgiving and we thoroughly enjoyed the break from our routine.

SO the Christmas tree is up. EK doesn't seem to care. She did bring me a Christmas ornament today from the tree. We had a fire in the fireplace tonight and she did well with that too. I hope I'm not speaking too soon. I was worried she'd take the tree out the first night. I got a wild hair and bought 2 live wreaths for our house. I'm not brave enough for a live tree. I'll let you know how the wreath endeavor goes.

If you do facebook, I posted the last of my pics tonight. Molly crunched on my camera for a while Saturday and it's busted. I wanted to do serious harm to her. I will not lie. I acted ugly and cried. Then I took 30 minutes of Hope time to recover. I get like that sometimes. Lately I get like that alot. Yes, B, I realize it too. I'm not patient. I never claimed to be. When my wreath fell off the back door for the 104th time tonight I wanted to throw it THROUGH the door. When I put up the hanger for the 105th time and realized I put it on upside down, I stomped my feet and screamed. I didn't, but I sure thought long and hard about it. I like to think of myself as laid back, but sometimes the little things get to me. It was that kind of afternoon. My husband did cook dinner and I'm getting to blog and enjoy the Christmas tree and the fire. So I'll let it go and be thankful. Here's to a week that's better than Monday and a husband that knows when I need a moment or 5.

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