Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Bad Saturday

still beats a good Monday. Are bad Saturdays possible? We hooked up the trailer Saturday morning and took off to Kinston for a pallet of sod or 2. We got one and stopped by my parents' house. Ella Kate decided to hang out there a while and we came home to lay sod. I've never taken on that task, but I thought it couldn't be that bad. Whew. That stuff's heavy. We moved pretty fast and got the first pallet out. B had to go to Enterprise to drive our Power Lifting Team back to school, so I decided to take the trailer back to Kinston by myself for another load. I've never pulled a trailer, but I can drive a school bus. I thought I could handle it. I left Bradley in the back yard pulling up a few leftover roots. I wasn't 2 miles down the road when he called to tell me he'd hit the gas line. GREAT. I hit END and put my phone down when the truck started shaking. I looked in the rearview mirror...tire was going EVERYWHERE. So I pulled over and called him back. The trailer had a blowout. He couldn't leave because the gas company was sending someone. His parents were out of town. My daddy was out of town. So I sat by the road a while. The sweet daddy of my "bestest friend" saved the day. He picked me up and took me home, took the rim to Opp and got a tire, brought it back and put it on. My brother in law drove me back to the truck and I went on to get the sod. I made it home with no more mishaps. It definitely could have been worse. But for an hour or so, I was beginning to wonder. Our back yard looks marvelous. Now, if we can just keep the grass alive.

Ella Kate seems to be Miss Independent lately. My mom helped her put her pants on last Saturday, but because she didn't do it herself, she wanted them "off". Where did she come from? We love her and she keeps us on our toes.

Looking forward to seeing the First Grade Play tomorrow night in Luverne. Can't wait to see some long lost friends. Happy Hump Day!

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