I have a few random things to share. First of all, we hope to find out if we're having a boy or girl on Thursday. We are so excited. Also, we now have a doppler at our house. (Thank you, mother-in-law.) It is THE BEST. I listen to that heartbeat at least 3 times a day. It makes it all seem a little more real. I can't feel the baby yet, but I can hear it moving with the doppler. I'm hoping to be able to feel it soon.
Last night after the spring game, we had a late mexican dinner with the Bartons and the Manesses. I know the people there were wondering when we'd all go home. It was so much fun...lots of laughs and a few stories made my eyes get really BIG. I also enjoyed seeing 3 men sitting in a row with matching shirts on. It doesn't take much to entertain me.
And one last thing: I teach first grade and my kids always say the funniest things. This week has been no exception. I got a little sick in class Thursday morning. While this was happening I heard a student say to another student, "she's ok. That baby's just kicking her and making her sick." Yesterday we were making aquariums to go along with our study of the ocean. We used paper plates and plastic wrap. I was helping them put them together and A said, "Mrs. Bowers, how'd you get so good at this?" I laughed and told him I didn't know...maybe a lot of practice. He responded, "You just got skills, don't you?" HILARIOUS. His mom reads our blog and I know she'll enjoy that. He has provided my entertainment many days this year.
Wishing you an extra good weekend...
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