Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Heart Summer!

Can you tell we don't have a baby yet? And that I'm out for the summer? I've been posting pretty regularly. Don't look for that to continue in August. We'll be swimming in school, football, cheerleading, and piles of dirty laundry by then. But for now, life is so fun!

We took off for Destin yesterday morning. We adults still like to do a little school shopping every summer. Pregnancy makes shopping for me not so fun, and more so expensive. I made up for it with all the stuff I bought for Ella Kate. I'm getting so excited about this baby girl! Bradley bought more than both of us. He says he does not have a lot of clothes...this is is not true. I told him the only way he could get more shirts is to get rid of as many or more than he bought. The walls of our closet may explode if he doesn't.

After a little shopping and a quick lunch, we went to see some good friends and some family for the afternoon. The Ingalls, who I lived with in college, were at the beach for the week. When I was a single girl, I went with them several summers. Those were fun times. They have a large family and I loved it. Yesterday, we got to see some of them and we spent the afternoon with Mrs. Sally. We went out to dinner with her and visited some more. Then we made the late drive home. I am so thankful for them. I love talking with Mrs. Sally and Mr. Terry. They are precious to me.

I also am thankful for summers off where we can load up and drive to Destin to stay all day. The beach was beautiful. I'm thankful for a husband who enjoys it as much as I do, and is willing to take off for the day with me. We have some great conversations in the car. Sometimes we learn a lot about each other. Often I hear stories that he's never told me. It's so funny to me.

Tonight we're having several teachers and their husbands over. I'm excited! It's a blessing to enjoy the people that you work with, and we love having people over. Maybe I'll take some pictures. Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy those talks with your husband in the will soon be NO MORE!!!!
