Monday, March 28, 2011


1. B had eye surgery a week ago. He was seeing 20/20 in Tuesday. 2. My daddy was sent to Flowers the night of B's surgery with really high blood pressure. 3. Heart cath on Tuesday. 4. I was in the middle of testing. 5. I'm also low on sick days. 6. B scratched his eye on Thursday. 7. I admire single parents. 8. When it rains it pours (sometimes it hails). 9. I am driving a minivan to school tomorrow. 10. I still love my life and a good LIST.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Heart Spring Break!

It's Saturday afternoon. We're at the lake (AKA: Gantt Beach), EK is napping in the floor, B's outside, and I'm laying on the couch looking out at the water. This is BLISS. Putting on my swimsuit for the first time was NOT bliss. Not even close. But we won't talk about that. We decided late yesterday afternoon to ride over and spend the night. So we packed up everything but the kitchen sink and headed this way. Seriously, our car was packed. EK screamed most of the way and I was wondering what we were thinking. I also wondered that this morning at 2 a.m. when she was providing birth control for the entire RV park. But since then it's been smooth sailing.

Spring break is almost over. Tear. Oh, how I look forward to summer so we can spend our days home with Ella Kate. She's so much fun right now! I just picked her up because she woke up and she's attempting to help me blog. I'll have to make this short. We've accomplished a few things this week. Those include: making hair bows, cleaning out the guest bedroom (anyone else feel like you do that every other month or so????), putting up EK's 0-3 month clothes, and grilling...a lot. It's been a great week and this weekend is shaping up nicely as well. Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Little Lesson

In honor of all the testing that will take place next week, let's do a little lesson on Plot. Plot is: the events in a story/selection (usually in order). To keep things simple we'll do a BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END.
END! We are loving spring break! EK had her 4 month checkup yesterday. She was in the 90th percentile on length/height and 50th on weight. She's currently weighing in at 13 lbs. We started baby food yesterday and if she's not loving it, who cares! We think it's hilarious. She does love it so far. I started her on carrots because I've always secretly wanted a baby with an orange nose. They're so cute!

We're looking forward to enjoying the rest of our week. Hope yours is excellent.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The spring break countdown is ON.

Can I vent? I promise to keep it short. I spent my entire planning time on the phone this morning trying to find out when and why my house is now in a High Risk Flood Zone (according to our mortgage company). It IS in a flood zone, but not a high risk area. It's been over 20 years since it flooded, but all of a sudden we're high risk! This means (according to the mortgage company) that my flood insurance premium will go up when I renew. That's just peachy. As I tried unsuccessfully to look at a flood map online, I called FEMA and was told they couldn't disclose my flood zone over the phone. REALLY? UGH. I came home to find a service charge had been taken out of our one knows why. No one mentioned it when we opened the account. Oh, but wait! We listed the account wrong. Let us fix that. Oh. My. Gosh. You people are making me insane. I'm normally not this "fussy". I need spring break. REALLY. BAD.

Ella Kate and I have been hanging out tonight. Bradley's driving a bus for the baseball team. We miss him, but you all know how I love some Hope time. EK has cut into that quite a bit lately. So tonight, she was in bed by 8:15 and I'm blogging from the recliner. Aaaaahhhhhh. AND I had a frozen pizza. Bliss. All I lacked was a new magazine.

Saturday was a perfect rainy day. We need rainy days sometimes. It's like it gives us "permission" to rest. I attended the 4th-6th grade dance on Saturday night. All I have to say is it was definitely a "party in the USA". We had lunch at Bradley's maw maw's yesterday after church. I heard some of the funniest stories as they sat around and shared. I'm still laughing about them today. After visiting, we came home and laid around. I cleaned a little too. Last night we ate Mexican, just the 3 of us. Ella Kate did so good this weekend. She slept through the night every night (a change from last week...don't know what the deal was). And she was extra happy. We LOVE her so much. Her little personality gets bigger every day and it's so much fun!

I will attempt not to complain/vent any more this week. At least not on the blog. I hope you all have an extra good week. 4 days to spring break! That's enough to make anyone smile.