Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ella Kate Bowers

Ella Kate is in the nursery for a little while, so I thought I'd blog before we head home tomorrow. Rumor has it there won't be much computer time at our house. It has been an eventful weekend for our little family. I won't post all the details, but I will say that things didn't go quite as I expected/planned. But it turned out fine. I will also leave you waiting for a post on the details by saying that I obviously don't do drugs well...Thursday night was eventful due to a few Ambien. Would you believe they moved the Peanut Festival to our room???? And Friday night/Saturday was eventful due to morphine...I woke up with my popsicle melted on my chest...I remember starting on it...and that was it. I also caused my husband to be locked out of the hospital at midnight Friday night. Or so he says. I don't remember that either.

Anyway...Ella Kate made her arrival at 9:04 Friday night weighing in at 8lbs 15oz, 21.5 inches long, via c-section. I cried. Then I threw up ; ) Really. But I'm good now. We're all good now. We're learning...definitely learning ALOT. We love her. And that makes me so emotional, more than normal I think. We both think she's the best. We just look at her. I told her today that she's the prettiest baby we ever had. I then told her we were going to work on "I need it, Daddy." She's my newest shopping partner.

Bradley has more than impressed me with his daddy skills. He's sooo good with her. It makes me love him in such a different way. (I'm crying. My emotions are CRAZY) He's also gotten lots of practice with his husband skills, as he's had to get me out of bed, in the bed, etc. I know he's exhausted. Possibly more than me (He looked all over for his watch this morning. He was wearing it. I laughed and it hurt.) But he hasn't complained, nor has he lost patience with me since we've been here (somehow). I love him so much. And I am thankful for him.

And together we are thankful for this gift that God has given us.


  1. I'm reading this at 4:30 am due to the fact that I probably need an Ambien but, I refuse because I'm afraid the Peanut festival along with other things might come to my house, too. I feel your pain on the not handling drugs well. I thought about you ALL day Friday. I prayed. I'm sorry things went like they did, but so happy and thankful that EK finally arrived healthy and that you & Bradley are doing well. I can't wait to meet Ella Kate! Bryant can't either ;)

  2. Page two of your life together as a family...I am smiling because Shirlon and I have trod the sacred path that you and Bradley now trod. What a wonderful gift from God. I pray that Ella Kate's godliness far exceeds her generation and that her wisdom and grace bear witness to the One who gave her to you. May God bless your family...may God bless and keep Ella Kate!

  3. I understand how you feel! My labor and delivery did not go so well either. I had 2 days of induction bec/ Day 1 failed, a long Day 2 which finally ended in 10 cm dilated, some pushing, forceps, and eventually a C-section. I know that you are probably exhausted. To tell you the truth everything is just a vague memory now because it was all worth it! I'm so happy that EK is finally here and healthy!! Now the fun begins!! :)

  4. Hope I just laughed and cried while reading this! May God bless all of you!

  5. Just precious! I love it! Congratulations! It gets better...I promise!!!!!!!
