Saturday, October 30, 2010

This and That

I'm not going to get my hopes up the next time I think I'm having contractions. Because it's happened a few times this week and produced NO RESULTS. Please don't tell me to enjoy this part or to be content unless you are presently 1 day away from being 40 weeks pregnant and extremely the point that shoes are no longer an option. I am aware that our baby girl will come when she's ready. I'm fine with that. I'm just feeling slightly impatient. And I can assure you that if you were in my shoes, or lack there of, you'd feel the same way. I'm not being ugly. I prefer to call it honest...with a smile.

Yay for Zion Chapel! They won last night! So happy for those boys and their coaches. I don't think they come any better (I may be partial). They're all what we call "good people" and they deserve some success. They never quit. It says a lot for their character. And I'm proud of them.

I saw Mario yesterday morning...and it absolutely, without a doubt, made my day. I pulled into school and saw our janitor in his truck. He resembles Mario. The kids refer to him as Mario sometimes. But I had no idea he would come to school dressed as Mario yesterday. He had on overalls, a red shirt, and had made buttons and an M for his hat. Isn't that GREAT???? I took his picture with a miniature Luigi, but I'd like to get permission from Luigi's mom before I post it. My brother said when he drove by ZC yesterday he could have sworn they were out front throwing fireballs and jumping on mushrooms. about an "it actually feels like fall" Saturday??? Floors clean, everything dusted, candle lit, etc. Oh, doesn't it feel good? I'm going to wash clothes in a bit and if all those socks come out with a match, it will be a perfect day ; ) Happy Saturday!

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